Friday, October 21, 2011

Dryer fix Tips

You toss your load into the dryer set the timer and walk away. You return to grab your work pants and get ready only to study the dryer isn't performing like it should. Here's some dryer repair tips to help you get your dryer working again.

If it isn't working at all there are a few things you can try.

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1. No Power

Make sure that the power cord is plugged in. Unplug and plug it back in. Check the breakers to make sure it hasn't tripped or that a fuse is not blown. You can also use a volt meter to check the plug itself to make sure there is power going to the plug.

2. Door Switch

In the door is a switch or sensor that when you close the door it presses against a lever which then activates a door switch which allows the dryer to start up. If that lever becomes broken the switch can't begin and then the dryer can't start. You may need to replace this lever.

3. Thermal Fuse

Almost every dryer on the store has a thermal fuse. This fuse will burn out if the dryer overheats. When this happens one of two things occur. The dryer whether completely stops working or it runs but it doesn't throw any heat. You will commonly find this fuse under the vent duck inside the dryer. If the fuse is blown you will want to replace it.

Occasionally the timer on a dryer can be defective so that even if you have turned the dryer on it doesn't identify the appeal and thus the dryer doesn't start.

If there is no heat there are a few things you can try.

1. Gas Valve Coils

If the igniter glows but then shuts off before it ignites the gas chances are the qoute is a coil that is defective. Replace all of the coils - there are commonly at least a integrate and sometimes more. It is also possible that the gas valve itself needs to be replaced.

2. Thermal Fuse

If the dryer overheats the thermal fuse will burn out with means your dryer will whether not run at all or it will run but not throw any heat. Look on the vent duct inside the dryer - this is where you will commonly find the fuse. Replace it.

3. Igniter

The igniter can be defective or because it is so fragile it can verily become broken. You should never touch the igniter except for the ceramic part.

This sensor is near the igniter and you will need to replace it if it is defective or worn out.

If your dryer blows heat but takes far too long to dry the clothing there are a few things you can check.

1. Vents

Check the vent hose and vent itself to make sure there are no clogs. Lint accumulates inside the dryer and if you don't clean out the dryer commonly it lands up in the vent pipe itself which reduces the efficiency of the dryer and increases the fire risk.

2. Thermostat

A dryer has a thermostat that regulates the heating cycles and this thermostat can burn out over time or it can be defective. It's very easy to replace and should be effortlessly available.

If you are a home handyman these dryer repair tips are a great place to start. If that doesn't work maybe it's time to call a repairman. But why not try to save a few dollars first?

Dryer fix Tips

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